Monday, November 1, 2021

If I ever met doctor Seuss

 This is my writing for this week it’s about if I ever got to meet a author I picked doctor Seuss and I was only allowed to  ask him 5 questions 

I really liked this. It was fun and do you like it. Who would you pick if you ever got to meet anyone and what five questions would you ask that person?

Fairy tale challenge

This is my fairytale challenge  it was so fun and a tiny bit tricky it is my piece of work for reading.

 My fairytale challenge

Hi please click the attachment to see my work I don’t know how to add the whole thing on a iPad so please click it.

If you did one how hard was it?

Monday, July 26, 2021

My Amazing Penguin Mosaic

This week for art room 2 are making digital Mosaics.Check mine out! 

This is my Mosaic i loved this art it was very easy and fun.What animal would you do tell me in the comments?

Monday, May 10, 2021

what am i riddle

this is one of my reading chilli tasks.check it out down billow.

how do you like it tell me in the comments

Thursday, May 6, 2021


 this is my maths chilli task from this week.Check it out down bellow.Hope you like 

this chilli was very easy.It was also very fun.Did you like it?tell me in the comments

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Anzac poster

 this is my Anzac  poster for my topic i had to do this week.Check it out down billow

this poster was very easy to finish i just had to find pictures a background and put anzac day in the middle 

Tell me  how you like it in the comments     

my Anzac day metal

 this is one of my task from my class's  topic for this week.Check it out down billow.

how do you like it tell me in the comments 

Monday, April 12, 2021

please please the bees

This is  my reading chilli trask  for this week chilli 4.check it out down billow

                                                    this was very easy.How do you like it tell me in the comments 

Friday, April 9, 2021

Easter acrostic poem

 this is my Easter acrostic poem.I was going  to post this last week but i didn't get to.Check it out down billo

This was fun but it was also was hard to think of words to  write.How do you like  it tell me in the comments. 

Friday, March 26, 2021

Adding tens using place value

 This is my 3 chilli task.Check it out down bellow

I really liked this task because i love maths and it was very easy.How do you like it tell me in the comments  down bellow.

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

my adventure at castaway resort

 this is one of my writing task.check it out down billow.                                                                                castaway resort      _              _

On Friday a guy called Carlos Spencer came to my house and said he was going to do a renovation in my garage.I got to be on TV. He said that we would get to go to castaway resort well him and his team were building.There was a girl called Jewel and she was  the designer.There were three camera men and one guy who held the big mic and there was two other  guys who was painters.Any ways i am going to be telling you about castaway resort.First we  had to drive there it was about a 1 hour drive so that was good.When we got there we went into our hotel room we had to re do getting there like 50 time.After that we went to the beach the waves were huge.When we got back it was time for dinner.There was a restaurant/buffet.So we went there  and the food was so good i had a junior slider and coke.then we  went back to the little house thing. Got in our pj's and went to bed because we had a huge day tomorrow.when we woke up we got change and started to drive to rainbows end.We were there for like 5 hours.When we got to the house thing my mum friends came over and we had heaps

of lollies and chips.One of my mums friends children came too.We had so much food that we through up.In the morning we had to get ready to go because it was our last night there.We started to go home but first we got some new clothes because we were going to be on tv and my mum said we needed some nice clothes.When we were done shopping we went to my mums friends house because they were not done doing up my garage when they were done we drove to my house and we had to put blind folds on when we soor it it was so cool there was a gumball motion that was bigger than my head there were bean bags a 65 inch TV there was a kitchen there was a mini fridge and a rain bow wall there was also a pop corn motion and a lot of lollies and other things

                              The end                               _

this was very fun i liked it a lot.How did you like it tell me in the comments.What would ask for if you got to get this?

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Acrostic poem

 this is my writing for this week i did an Acrostic poem cause i love acrostic poems.check it out down bellow.

how do you like it tell me in the comments.i really liked this cause it was fun to write the poem and it was really easy.

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

If i could change the school in any way.

this is  my writing for today.Check it out down billow.

how do you like my writing i really liked this cause i got to pretend like i was the government making a school.

Friday, February 26, 2021

context clues

 this is my reading leading task for this week 

did you like  my learning

Wednesday, February 24, 2021


yesterday in my class we made boats.check mine out down bellow.   

That's me with my boat.How do you like it and what do you not like about it. 
I really liked this because we got to decorate our own boat.This was such a fun project because at the end we got to have a race in the pool.


 This is my maths chilli task from this week.Check it out down billow.Level 4.

how did you like it?